Moments after reaching my destination, I quickly left with my uncle and his daughter, stopping only for a moment to tell some bitch to give me back my paper, to visit one of the many popular sites of Inaba, the gas station. I found it odd that one of the employees actually came over to chat and even shook my hand. So, there you all go. Foreshadowing. It's too obvious to be a spoiler, because who would really believe a worthless background character would run up to me and waste time with small talk otherwise? What one should be asking is, "Who is this final boss sort of person," and, "What kind of last battle role will she play in the near future?" After shaking hands with the human form of Izanami, I suddenly became dizzy and pissed my pants again. This is a recurring trend, so I figured it was best to buy as much armor and as many uniforms to change into throughout the trip.
Having unpacked my stuff, I was given the options to stare at the calendar and go to sleep. So I stared, then I went upstairs to further stare at another calendar. I have two calendars. Exausted from staring and peeing, I collapsed in my bed and dreamt about a shadow clone of myself, along with a talking ostrich and an army of mothers searching for a beetle that reeked of butt gas. It's what every Japanese boy dreams about: a normal life.
Soon after I left the house to start my first day of school, my life completely changed. No, literally. Every day was chopped into three periods: Morning, After School, and Evening. No matter what I wanted to do (go out for lunch, talk to a friend, poop), it would take several hours to do it, especially when it came to walking through that the front door. I once left my History book on the kitchen table, turned back to get it before school started, and Nanako was already in the kitchen preparing dinner. Multitasking be damned, I suppose, but as long as I'm not pressured to associate with too many individuals, I should be ok 'til next Spring...
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Well... fuckles. |
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Uh, what are you talking about? I saw the body before you did during the opening video. Dumbass. |
The next day, another person with a unique portrait greeted me at school, so he's instantly significant. Yukiko had to go back to the inn, leaving me with Chie and this new guy, Yosuke. Having learned about the most notable aspect of Inaba yesterday, I realized this group was not going to work out... too much Y... so I tried to change the topic, but Chie went into a conversation about soulmates, then looked at Yosuke and myself, and, when I saw a smile form on Yosuke's face, it was time to go. The grilled steak made me sick, too. After I was done in the bathroom, I decided to lie down and watch some TV. The screen was dirty, so I got out of bed to wipe it off and my hand went right through it. I though, "This was exactly what I was looking for!" I now had the perfect excuse for tomorrow: "Soulmates? with you and Yosuke? No, no, no, no, no. We need to figure out how my television developed a llamalike taste for human hands." The excuse worked on one of them, at least. Chie seemed set on dropping the matter, but Yosuke...
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He's got other plans for |
Obvious Call of Duty reference. |
The next day, another woman was hanging upside down from an antenna. She was too high for anyone to spot the color of her panties, so no one cared. After school, we decided to go back to the other world in hopes of finding some answers. Moments after we arrived, the same bearman doll pointed one of his claws in our direction, screamed, "OBJECTION!" and proceeded to accuse us of murdering what's her face... dumb bitch. Fortunately, Yosuke and I had already prepared an opening statement for our defense. We beat him in the face with golf clubs until our arms were too tired to continue, then we kicked him repeatedly. After a few minutes, he surrendered two pairs of goggles. They did nothing, so we kicked him a few more times and spat on his face.
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Remember, it's impolite to point at others. |
While investigating the shopping center, we came upon somebody who looked just like
And with that, we returned home. Riveting stuff, no?
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Jiraiya: "What about me?" |
The next day, Yosuke and I met on the way to school to discuss what had happened. He said his other self had a larger penis, so he blugeoned him to death and shoved the body back into the television world. While doing so, he mentioned something about the shadow of a Yukiko-shaped girl wearing a Yukiko-shaped kimono. Baffled as to who it could be, we proceeded to our classroom, sat down, and were immediated bombarded by Chie with questions (and bits of bacons flying out of her mouth) about Yukiko's whereabouts, as if the only thing I do is stalk her from the bushes around her home between the hours of eight and nine. We figured we'd ask Kujo, or Kurama, or whatever Kuma's name is, if she was hanging around his place. He bit me, so Yosuke and I went inside to pay him another visit.
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What's that? You need a doctor "bear"y badly? You're so punny! |
Before heading in, Yosuke figured it would be best to remind ourselves that Adachi is nothing more than a harmless goof. He then turned his head and winked. At what, I don't know. We then met up with Chie and bought weapons at a shop conveniently located near Junes from a guy with no qualms about selling his "art" to minors. If that wasn't cause for concern, the tongues sticking out of his hands certainly were. Then again, no one seemed to question the clay bird parked outside the building, so I didn't think too far into the matter.
Now back in the TV world, our group stood at the front gate of a nondescript castle. Without hesitation, Chie charged in, hoping to rescue her friend in time. The rest of us figured it would be a better idea to prepare ourselves: Teddie provided medicine, I organized our equipment, and Yosuke logged onto As we made our way through the first floor, shadows continuously got in our way. Seriously, how did Chie avoid all of them? When we reached the second floor, a shadow clone of everyone's favorite kung-fu glutton blocked our path. Chie's second failed attempt to think before acting resulted in a mediocre battle with a dominatrix who turns into Samurai Celty after being defeated. I know it's not really her, but just IMAGINE the sales her appearance would help bring to any game in this already-popular franchise. A Record Breaker in profit for the series, to be sure. (yuk yuk yuk. Not funny)
Moments after obtaining her new Persona, Chie passed out. ...always a hassle with this bitch. Yosuke and I did our best to drag her home, but the sauce stains from her last ravaging at the food court (three pounds of pulled pork, twelve pieces of fried chicken, a beefsteak, and a small child who got too close during the feeding) left her clothes in a greasy state that prevented both of us from maintaining a solid grip for more than a few seconds. I suggested tucking our arms underneath her breasts and ass for better support, then we both laughed. After two hours of lugging our gassy companion halfway across Inaba, we finally reached the doorstep of the Satonaka residence. Neither of us wanted to explain to her parents what had occurred, so we left her body on the doorstep and proceeded to quietly leave before either of them could begin to ask questions. Unfortunately, Mr. Satonaka spotted us from one of the living room windows and demanded to know what had happened to his precious daughter."We were at a party. She couldn't hold her liquor." We then bowed and ran like hell. By Monday morning, Chie was fine and dandy, unlike the other sorry sacks of shit I helped throughout the year. It took days for the each of them to recover. A good night's rest outside the front door and consuming half her weight in red meat was all it took to get our hopping powerhouse back on her feet.
Up until that point, it felt like a greater force was controlling my actions. Now, I was able to go out and do something I wanted to do. I thought that, at least, but the only two people I knew were worried about Yukiko, and I couldn't really justify sitting around on my ass reading books, watching television, and going out to eat while she was still missing. Besides, Inaba's a small place. There was a strong possibility that I would run into somebody who worked at the Amagi Inn, and then I'd have to pretend like I don't know what happened, or provide a few shallow words of comfort, such as, "Don't worry... uh, you. I'm sure she's perfectly fine in that bland-looking castle crawling with monsters," and then he or she would put her or his hand on my shoulder, as if I would ever want to be touched by some nameless NPC, and respond with, "I feel a bit better now. Thank you." Cringing at the thought, I became determined to rescue Chie's femme and called for us to meet up at the food court. Chie was already there terrifying onlookers with her best Luffy impersonation. Along with the drops that I swiped from a recently black-and-blue'd bear, it was smart of me to stock up on soul tomatoes and canned refreshments, because neither is infused with beef, so Chie won't chew through my fingers to get at them prematurely.
A new addition to the TV world included a funtastic demonstration of how various Persona make babies. I found it rather enlightening to witness the passion of two beings give birth to a devil squattin' on a shitter. After two hours of continued demonstrations, I finally emerged from the blue door satisfied and in dire need of a nap. From there, Teddie brought us back to the castle of windows and curtains (but not a single fucking painting!) where Yukiko was trapped. I was a bit peeved at the apprehension I met from Teddie and Yosuke outside the gate. Kuma's sorry ass wasn't fighting, and Yosuke was the one too worried about Yukiko to do anything else. I grabbed the both of them and dragged them into the building with me. Inside, we were met with rather mediocre resistence from the shadowfolk. After coming in contact with Yuki's irritating counterpart, we were greeted by an Avenger Knight with the honorable desire of "wrecking that bitch" after disposing of us. I told him she was still underaged, then recommended checking out the persona sideshow going on back at the Velvet Room. He quickly took off without so much as a "Thank You". I got a Shuffle Time out of it, which became a Sweep Bonus, so his lack of courtsey wasn't a big deal. Finally, we caught up to Yukiko and her shadow se...
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I'm not entirely sure what Yukiko was doing with her head under that dress, but I knew which Social Link I was going to work on first. |
During her recovery, I decided to go online and see what others in my position were doing.
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Sigh... yeah. I think I might be done here. |
This is a pretty good fanfic based on the events on Persona 4! It's not my type, but it was entertaining to read.
I should probably actually play Persona 4 one of these days, huh?
Wait, you never actually played the game? All those articles about it and you never picked it up?! Dang it. I thought, "Now, here's an intelligent (and well-endowed) person who can provide me with not only an insightful response to my playthrough, but can pinpoint the references and even add some suggestions for polish this turd of a post." Instead, my work has been reduced to being called a fanfic.
I'm going to go play on the SNES. :(
Hey, I'm (mostly) familiar with the story! I've seen the OK anime adaptation, so I understand the gist of the plot. As for the rest, uhhhhhh.
I'm usually like when people insert a story for games that don't have much in the first place, like the Etrian Odyssey games or, to a lesser extent, the Souls games. I'd recommend going into more detail about what the protagonist might be saying.
Actually, this follows the in-game story fairly well up to Yukiko's rescue. I'm merely trying to recall the details from playing it months ago through my decayed memory. Obviously, I'm not going to remember every particular thing I did, but I would like to believe I was able to provide a somewhat accurate telling of my experience. Oh well. Back to Moogle Village for me.
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